From: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 15/01/2010 15:09:11 UTC
Subject: ODG: New Publication
Attachments: The Goals of Private Law-ODG.doc

Dear Colleagues:

Congratulations to list members Andrew Robertson and Tang Hang Wu on the publication of their edited collection The Goals of Private Law which features articles by many ODGers.  Hart publishing has graciously offered a 20% discount for those who wish to purchase the book if you use the attached form. Here is the description:

This collection contributes to a fundamentally important set of debates about the nature of private law. The essays consider whether private law should be seen as having goals and, if so, whether those goals are particular to private as opposed to public law. They consider the legitimacy of the pursuit of community welfare goals in private law and the place of instrumentalist thinking in private law  scholarship. They explore the relationship between the pursuit of policy goals and the other influences that shape private law, such as the formal values of certainty, consistency and coherence and the need to do justice to the parties to particular disputes. The collection analyses the role that particular policy goals do and should play in particular private law doctrines, and contributes to debate about the relationship between community welfare goals and considerations of interpersonal morality arising from the interactions between individuals. The contributors are drawn from across the common law world and offer a diverse range of perspectives on the controversies under consideration. This collection of essays focuses on one of the most hotly contested issues in private law scholarship in the last 20 years: the functions and purposes of private law.

Happy Reading,

Jason Neyers
Associate Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
University of Western Ontario
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435